Social Ecology

Photo of dean of UCI's School of Social Ecology, Jon B. Gould
UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: What is social ecology?

Jon B. Gould, new dean of social ecology, explains what’s going on at one of UCI’s epicenters for change

Cameron Wiley and doctoral candidate Kennedy Blevins (left) and Sarah Pressman (right).

UCI research team finds positivity is not equally protective against illness across races

Study supports consideration of cultural factors when developing health interventions

A trio of participants graduating from the Orange County Young Adult Court in October 2021 bookend two of the program’s key collaborators, Orange County Superior Court Judge Maria Hernandez (second from left) and UCI Professor Elizabeth Cauffman (center).

UCI awarded $10.1 million grant to expand O.C. Young Adult Court study

Funding will provide more extensive wraparound services for program participants

Maurice Sanchez

Hometown judge

Social ecology alumnus Maurice Sanchez makes history as associate justice on state’s Court of Appeal

View of planet Earth

Earth guardians

UCI researchers seek solutions to the many effects of climate change

Institute for Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research laboratory manager Hillary Piccerillo (left) and former lab technician Peggy Galvez oversee the robotic transfer of saliva from collection tubes to test plates for an experiment.

‘A window into the body’

Researchers at UCI salivary bioscience institute are championing the use of spit in diagnostics

A man and woman looking at a computer laptop screen.

State awards $1.8 million to expand UCI’s in-prison B.A. program

Funding will also support core functions of LIFTED for five years

UCI-led study links repeated hurricane exposure to adverse psychological symptoms

As climate threats escalate, increased negative mental health outcomes likely

OC Affordable Housing Impact Study public release presented by UCI Livable Cities Lab and UCI School of Social Ecology

EVENT:  Livable Cities Lab researchers at the University of California, Irvine, have collected and analyzed years of data to help people separate fact from fiction and pave an informed path to housing solutions. The team will host a public release of its groundbreaking study that explores the real effect on home values and rates of […]

Using her power to empower others

Dinorah Hernandez is driven to inform and lift her community to overcome inequities