Science & Technology

UCI neurologist Dr. Steven Cramer

Bad driving may have genetic basis, UCI study finds

Bad drivers may in part have their genes to blame, suggests a new study by UC Irvine neuroscientists.

UCi scientist Sheryl Tsai

Trigger of deadly food toxin discovered

A toxin produced by mold on nuts and grains can cause liver cancer if consumed in large quantities. UC Irvine researchers for the first time have discovered what triggers the toxin to form, which could lead to methods of limiting its production.

UCI's Dr. Steven George

New research center tackles matters of the heart

A new biomedical engineering research center looks to advance technology for treating cardiovascular disease.

Bruce Blumberg

A chemical cause of obesity?

Biologist Bruce Blumberg believes industrial pollutants called obesogens are contributing to America’s obesity epidemic.

Kenneth Longmuir

Making chemotherapy safer, more effective

UCI researchers Kenneth Longmuir and Richard Robertson have developed a more precise approach to delivery of chemotherapy drugs.

Diane Pataki

Climate change: global problem, local response

UCI’s Diane Pataki discusses strategies for dealing with climate change in Southern California.

Joseph DiMento

Protecting the planet

Joseph DiMento says law can be an effective tool in protecting natural resources.<

Roy Fielding

A matter of protocol

Among doctoral students, it’s known as “Phase II drift,” that window of time after they’ve completed qualifying exams but before they’ve chosen dissertation topics. While some cast about for research ideas and others were lured from academia to business, Roy Fielding ’88, M.S. ’93, Ph.D. ’00 used that time at UC Irvine for a higher […]

Water spigot

Raising water awareness

More than 1 billion people worldwide have unreliable access to clean water. To raise awareness of this and other water issues, UC Irvine is hosting a two-day public event featuring free movies and a panel discussion with local water experts.

Peter Donovan and Ping Wang

UCImpact: Stem cell research

California and UC Irvine take advances in stem cell research in stem cell research on the road as high school classes and educators participate in Stem Cell Awareness Day.