Science & Technology

Quantum mechanics of dance

Undergraduate dance student blends quantum physics and dance in production for upcoming Physical Graffiti show.

Tom Boellstorff

Anthropology in Second Life

Anthropology professor Tom Boellstorff explores Second Life and finds his fellow avatars eager to talk about their virtual world experiences.

Claudia Czimczik

Working the Amazon soil

Earth scientist Claudia Czimczik digs in Peru for new dirt on global warming.


Squashing mosquito-borne disease

With a $10,000 award from the UCI Graduate Division, Thomas Gilbreath will study how land-use in Africa affects the mosquito population and spread of malaria. The fellowship supports students whose research could have significant public impact.

Shih Chieh Huang's EX-I-09 exhibit

Mechanical sculpture

Artist transforms electrical detritus into imaginary, evolving organisms in current Beall Center exhibit.

Student groups go for the green

UC Irvine students want to foster a sustainable culture that moves beyond hemp bags and energy-efficient light bulbs.

Masayasu Nomura

Probing the mysteries of living cells

Renowned molecular biologist Masayasu Nomura has devoted his life to probing the mysteries of ribosomes and cell growth.

New institute aims to balance the planet

Michael Prather discusses UCI’s new environment institute, which aims to identify research needed for an improved understanding of society’s response to a changing climate and for environmental science to better respond to societal needs.

Port of Long Beach

Road warriors

As our expanding population outgrows an aging infrastructure, transportation is becoming an increasingly important topic in Orange County and statewide. It also has significant implications for the U.S. economy, considering that transportation-related goods and services account for about 20 percent of the nation’s gross national product. “The safe and efficient movement of people and goods […]

Alan Terricciano

Houseplants in concert

UC Irvine’s arts dean, Alan Terricciano, plays a mean cactus as he wires up houseplants for an April 4 concert on the green.