Press Releases

Weather blog

Bloggers apply National Weather Service data to Orange County conditions and topography to create a detailed, scientific report.

Lauds & Laurels

The UCI Alumni Association announced that Julian Feldman, professor emeritus of information & computer sciences, will receive the Extraordinarius award at its 40th annual Lauds & Laurels ceremony May 13.

Novel stroke treatment passes safety stage of UCI-led clinical trial

Sequential-growth-factor therapy holds promise for improving recovery outcomes.

Improving care for low-birth-weight infants

‘Project HealthDesign’ grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation integrates daily information about babies’ health into clinical care.

Learning helps keep brain healthy

UCI study suggests mental activity could stave off age-related cognitive and memory decline.

Butterfly gene

Butterflies that have a duplicate gene allowing them to see ultraviolet colors also have UV-yellow pigment on their wings, reports the study by UCI’s Adriana Briscoe, Seth Bybee and colleagues.

Biological flaws

In his new book, UCI evolutionary biologist John Avise examines why flaws exist in the biological world.

UCI cardiologists discover 'pouch' in heart that may raise stroke risk

UC Irvine cardiologists have found a pouchlike structure inside the heart’s left atrial chamber that may be a potent source of stroke-causing blood clots. The discovery of this left atrial pouch could provide answers and inform neurologists’ efforts to prevent stroke recurrences.

Gorilla malaria

UCI, French study finds that gorillas carry malignant malaria parasite.


Turfgrass management may create more greenhouse gas than plants remove from atmosphere.