Press Releases

Making sense of healthcare reform

UCI experts agree that increasing access while decreasing costs is key but question whether healthcare reform can be achieved.

Fungi cancer

A toxin produced by mold on nuts and grains can cause liver cancer if consumed in large quantities. UC Irvine researchers for the first time have discovered what triggers the toxin to form, which could lead to methods of limiting its production.

Alzheimer's retina

UC Irvine neuroscientists have found that retinas in mice genetically altered to have Alzheimer’s undergo changes similar to those that occur in the brain – most notably the accumulation of amyloid plaque lesions.

New arts dean

Acclaimed artist and academic administrator from Alfred University in New York also is known as a builder of community partnerships.


Locally owned businesses don’t protect communities from layoffs and closures, study shows. UCI co-author says findings validate efforts to attract and retain corporations.

Wallace elected to Institute of Medicine

The pioneering UC Irvine genetics researcher’s achievements in mitochondrial medicine are leading to new treatments for chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Juvenile Crime

Young people may not be able to fully control impulses, resist peer pressure till after 22.

Medal gala

UC Irvine’s premiere fundraising event honors campus friends and raises $1.1 million for scholarships and other key initiatives.

Cocaine memory

A drug in development to treat cancer could help prevent relapse behavior in people trying to overcome an addiction to cocaine, according to a new study by UC Irvine neuroscientists.

LEED Gold ARC award

ARC is UCI’s fifth new construction project to merit the U.S. Green Building Council rating.