Public Health

Wendy Liu

Improving biomedical implants

UCI researcher Wendy Liu is trying to make the lifesaving devices less life-threatening.

Sarah Choi

With type 2 diabetes, family matters

UC Irvine assistant professor of nursing science Sarah Choi works with Orange County’s Korean community to improve care for the chronic disease by involving patients’ family and friends.

Yoga class

How to have a healthier 2011

Dr. Morris Hasson of UCI’s Executive Health Program offers his tips for a healthier 2011. A key is to set reasonable goals and see to them.

Dr. Ignatius Ou

Taking aim at deadliest cancer

UCI non-small cell lung cancer study highlights advances in targeted drug therapy.

Bethel Mesgana, and Jasmine Fang with the Dalai Lama

Putting her heart into holistic healthcare

UCI senior and new Dalai Lama Scholar Bethel Mesgana is dedicated to compassionate medicine.

Evaluating forgetfulness

UCI’s Memory Assessment Clinic is the only outpatient facility in Orange County providing comprehensive services focused solely on the early identification of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

UCI seismologist Lisa Grant Ludwig

Finding more temblors along the fault

UCI seismologist Lisa Grant Ludwig finds far more frequent earthquakes along the San Andreas fault.

Diana Burns keeps an eye on her mother, Irma

Distinguishing ‘senior moments’ from Alzheimer’s

UCI scientists locate inner brain pathway they believe is key to memory.

Dr. Thomas E. Ahlering and Dr. Michael K. Louie

Robots redefining cancer surgery

UC Irvine’s innovative Robotic Oncology Center offers minimally invasive treatment in multiple disciplines.

Rozanne Sandri-Goldin

Keeping science funding flowing

Noted virologist Rozanne Sandri-Goldin influences research both in and out of the lab.