
Timothy Osborne

Guarding against toxins

Toxins in food often have a bad, bitter taste that makes people want to spit them out. It’s one way the body defends itself.

Can exercise make kids smarter?

This is the second in a three-part series of essays by UC Irvine pediatrician Dr. Dan Cooper on children and exercise.

Michael Montoya

Fighting poverty with knowledge

Inequality literally is making people sick, says Michael Montoya, UC Irvine anthropology and Chicano/Latino studies assistant professor.

Acupressure bead applied before surgery decreases anxiety in children.

Calming children before surgery

Surgery is stressful for even the calmest patient, but for children it can be particularly traumatic and frightening. For anesthesiologists, soothing anxious children about to enter surgery is a critical part of the job, and Dr. Zeev Kain, anesthesiology & perioperative care chair at UC Irvine, is turning to ancient Chinese medicine for new methods.

Elliot Handler

Mobile medicine

UC Irvine’s Mobile Medicine unit hit the road nearly six years ago, delivering healthcare and specialized geriatric services to senior citizens.

Photo entered in First Steps category

Promoting healthy play

A year has passed since UC Irvine inaugurated the “Children at Play” photo contest to raise awareness about the role of exercise in children’s health and growth.

David Fruman

Biologists attack leukemia

UC Irvine biologists are on the attack against leukemia. A recent study by UCI scientists found a new way to combat a subtype of acute lymphoblastic leukemia that could mitigate side effects and improve cure rates.

Beating breast cancer

More than 180,000 American women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and no single event brings attention to this deadly disease more than the Race for the Cure, sponsored by Susan G. Komen for the Cure.