
Working wonders with workers’ comp

In an era of belt tightening, UC Irvine is ahead of the game when it comes to reducing costs associated with workplace injuries

Dr. Zeev Kain

Making surgery less scary for kids

Pediatric surgery can be traumatic for children – and their parents. To guide families through the experience, Dr. Zeev Kain, chair of UC Irvine’s Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care, is creating a unique Internet site to help parents ease children’s anxiety (and their own), properly manage postsurgical pain and, ultimately, facilitate healing.

Dr. Chris Fox

Wave of the future

All too often, a stethoscope and a doctor’s touch are still the primary tools for diagnosing emergency-room patients. UC Irvine physician Chris Fox aims to change that. Rather than feeling for a broken bone or swollen abdomen or merely listening to the heart, Fox has trained UC Irvine Medical Center’s emergency department clinicians to use the latest in lightweight, high-resolution […]

A person sun bathing on the beach

Dark side of the sun

As a specialist in skin disorders and cancers, Dr. Janellen Smith sees firsthand what too much sun can do. She stresses that people – especially those in sun-worshipping Southern California – should be aware of the health risks associated with prolonged sun exposure and take proper precautions.

Professor A. Kimball Romney

How our eye sees color

Colors reproduced on Web sites or printed photos never seem as true as what we see in real life, and now one UC Irvine professor explains why.

Thiago Halmer

Speaking the same language

Thiago Halmer and other PRIME-LC students will help doctors in Brazil collaborate with UCI physicians on stuttering cases.

Downtown Conakry, the capital of Guinea

UCI Africa Initiative lends a hand

UC Irvine group demonstrates how modest efforts can reap big rewards by donating time and energy in Africa.

Dr. Alpesh Amin

Hospitalist: The new medical specialty

Dr. Alpesh Amin is a pioneer and leader in the rapidly growing field of hospital medicine, and the program he leads at UC Irvine Medical Center is one of the nation’s finest.

Sarah Lopez

Medicine for the Latino community

Five years ago, eight medical students came to UC Irvine as pioneers in an innovative education program designed to address the unique healthcare needs of California’s largest underserved population. Now the first PRIME-LC graduates are prepared to fulfill that mission.

Kava tea

The quest for cancer-fighting superfoods

UC Irvine urologic researchers are leading the effort to see how – or if – natural compounds in such foods as tomatoes and kava work in the human body to prevent or treat prostate and bladder cancers.