Health Sciences

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: The race for COVID testing

In March, the UCI Medical Center became the first hospital in Orange County to provide COVID-19 testing. In the UCI Podcast, Dr. Ed Monuki, chair of pathology who leads UCI Health’s testing efforts, discusses how the campus came together to address this community need and how future testing for the coronavirus and its antibodies will […]

Dr. Sahar Osman, a neurocritical care fellow in UCI Medical Center’s neurological ICU. “With the coronavirus pandemic, everybody’s going through a universal trauma of sorts.”

Making a critical connection

Dr. Sahar Osman uses video calls to keep families in contact with hospitalized loved ones during COVID-19 lockdown

UCI and County of Orange partner on large-scale COVID-19 infection survey

Results will help determine true prevalence and inform lifting of local lockdown

Compassion. Expertise. Trust.

Susanne Phillips and seven nurse practitioners working at drive-thru COVID-19 testing centers embody theme of National Nurses Week

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: On the front lines of COVID-19

UCI Health’s Dr. Robert Rowe describes treating patients in ‘the epicenter of the epicenter’ of coronavirus infections in the U.S.

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast Video Series: Attacking the coronavirus where it replicates – safely

In this episode of the UCI Podcast Video Series, Rachel Martin, UCI professor of chemistry, discusses a project in her lab that centers on finding a way to block the ability of the coronavirus to make copies of itself once it’s inside the human body. Martin highlights that the project, which involves postdoctoral scholars, Ph.D. […]

Drives deliver

Ongoing efforts by UCI medical students yield generous donations of personal protective equipment for hospital

Alex Marlow (right), with Kelton Mock outside UCI’s School of Medicine.

Adding an LGBTQ+ focus to M.D. training

Two UCI medical students who’ve benefited from donor support spearhead revisions to school curriculum that boost inclusivity

coronavirus (pictured)

UCI launches comprehensive COVID-19 resource site to engage community with informative, helpful content

UCI team develops smartphone application for coronavirus contact tracing

Technology anonymously notifies users of potential exposure to COVID-19