Concrete jungle functions as carbon sink, UCI and other researchers find
Cement-based materials eventually reabsorb much of the CO2 released during creation
Cement-based materials eventually reabsorb much of the CO2 released during creation
The journal Nature Geoscience published a study today from UCI Earth system scientists on the size-reactivity continuum in the ocean carbon cycle. Detrital (not living) organic matter is a very large reservoir of carbon stored in the world’s oceans; it’s roughly equal in size to the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere. Marine organic matter spans […]
Study findings will help improve predictions about global sea level rise
The American Meteorological Society has awarded Efi Foufoula-Georgiou the 2017 Hydrologic Sciences Medal for “her pioneering contributions to the science of hydrometeorology and for visionary and sustained leadership in advancing interdisciplinary hydrologic research.” A UCI Distinguished Professor of civil & environmental engineering, Foufoula-Georgiou is considered one of the world’s leading hydrologists and water resources engineers. Her research focuses […]
For the fourth year in a row, UCI has won a spot on The Princeton Review’s Green Honor Roll, which rates schools on the environmental friendliness of their policies and practices, academic offerings and quality of campus life. Out of 640 colleges surveyed for the 2017 list, UCI was one of just 21 to earn a perfect score. UC Santa Cruz […]
UCI-led study tracks the decline of important coastal shellfish
UCI atmospheric chemist Don Blake is about to rack up some serious air miles. As co-principal investigator, along with UCI Earth system scientist Michael Prather, on the upcoming NASA Atmospheric Tomography Mission, Blake will fly from the North Pole to New Zealand, east to the tip of South America, and then north to Greenland. He will […]
UCI study of valerian is first to detail gender-specific species responses to global warming
Michael Prather, UCI professor of Earth system science, has been appointed to the Advisory Committee for the Sustained National Climate Assessment by the National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration. The panel provides input on climate assessment activities to NOAA, which relays the information to the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy. Prather’s term lasts one year.
UCI, NASA analysis suggests higher risk than previous drought years