Critical race theory, explained
In video series, 5 UCI scholars share answers to common questions

Five UCI professors from the schools of humanities, law and social sciences have collaborated on a series of 10 videos on critical race theory. In each, an expert in the field tackles a common question about critical race theory.
“Critical race theory is the study of race and racism and how these categories and structures of inequity are connected to other forms of hierarchy in our society,” explains Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, Chancellor’s Fellow, director of the UCI Humanities Center and professor of Asian American studies. She adds that critical race theory allows scholars to examine not only the racist behavior of individuals, but also how systems perpetuate racism.
Faculty joining Wu in the project are:
- Glenda Flores, associate professor of Chicano/Latino studies
- David Theo Goldberg, Distinguished Professor of anthropology and comparative literature
- Kaaryn Gustafson, professor of law and co-director of UCI’s Center on Law, Equality and Race
- Damien Sojoyner, associate professor of anthropology
What is critical race theory?
What is the history of critical race theory?
Why do we need critical race theory?
How did critical race theory become controversial?
How has the R in CRT become a lightning rod?
In Goldberg’s assessment of why critical race theory is needed, he asserts that it is “necessary to understand the nation’s full history, its implications for addressing the legacy of structural racism today and how – by addressing racial justice honestly – we can live peaceably together.”
– Cara Capuano, UCI
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