social sciences

Photo of Belinda Campos, professor and deparetment chair Chicano/Latino studies
UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: How Latinos are shaping the future together

Belinda Campos discusses PRIME-LC and cultural components that promote health

UC Irvine grad student training program aims to broaden access to cardiovascular care

New NSF-funded initiative emphasizes technological solutions to health disparities

Side-by-side photos of UC Irvine political science professors Louis DeSipio and Tony Smith
UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Review of first presidential debate of 2024

Political scientists Louis DeSipio and Tony Smith discuss key takeaways and what’s next

A pregnant African woman holding her belly on dark background.

Placental hormone spike in late pregnancy linked to postpartum depressive symptoms

Findings of UC Irvine-led study could aid in early identification of at-risk mothers

This rendering of the “Plein-Air en Plein Air” installation features an image of Granville Redmond’s painting “California Landscape with Flowers,” circa 1931, oil on canvas, 32 x 80 in., projected onto the Social Science Lab building. The artwork is a gift from The Irvine Museum to UC Irvine’s Jack and Shanaz Langson Institute and Museum of California Art.

Art as rarely experienced

‘Plein-Air en Plein Air’ installation to feature Langson IMCA paintings projected onto campus buildings

Study highlights key social forces shaping worldwide academic freedom trends

UC Irvine sociologists find liberty to teach and learn is being threatened

Group of five researchers funded by NSF to examine wildfire management while incorporating voices from Indigenous communities.

NSF funds UCI-led team connecting Indigenous communities with key decision-makers in wildfire management

Project will bring diverse voices to forefront of mitigation and research

United States Marine Corps veteran and UCI sociology alumnus Andrew Truong ’23 (fourth from right), pictured with fellow service members.

Giving voice to veterans

UCI certificate program comprises three courses exploring experiences of service members

Jeffrey Kopstein, UCI professor of political science.

Building bridges

New director discusses goals for UCI’s Center for Jewish Studies

Bill Maurer
UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: What’s next in the School of Social Sciences?

Dean Bill Maurer looks ahead to his next five-year term leading UCI’s largest student-populated school