UCI town hall addresses workforce reentry, vaccinations
Campus leaders host a virtual event to share plans for an in-person 2021-22 academic year
May 20, 2021
Campus leaders host a virtual event to share plans for an in-person 2021-22 academic year
University Business, May 20, 2021
Orange County Register, May 20, 2021
Medical Xpress, May 20, 2021 (Video)
New class examines how and why physical activity can work better than pills
Cognitive impairments due to normal aging may leave some older adults vulnerable to exploitation when making complex decisions with long-term impacts – like those pertaining to medical care and finances. Understanding what these impairments are and how they may be mitigated is the focus of a new UCI study led by Aaron Bornstein, cognitive sciences […]
The Washington Post (RNS), May 19, 2021
KPCC, May 19, 2021 (Audio)