Month: September 2020

University of California system can no longer consider SAT, ACT results in admissions, judge rules

USA Today, Sept. 2, 2020

Amal Alachkar, a UCI associate professor of teaching in pharmaceutical sciences who led the schizophrenia research study

Schizophrenia: Nurture cannot overcome nature

UCI study could lead to ways of better treating – and possibly preventing – the disorder

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: From leaving Syria to preventing psychiatric disorders

Amal Alachkar discusses reestablishing her career in neuroscience at UCI after fleeing Syria and how she helped develop UCI’s online master’s in pharmacology

Gillian Hayes vice provost of graduate education and dean of UCI’s Graduate Division talking to another woman.

Fellowships keep grad students afloat

With the pandemic limiting summer job opportunities, campus administrators provide a seasonal safety net

UC Santa Barbara scales back reopening plans, citing COVID-19 infections among students

EdSource, Sept. 1, 2020

When will OC get to reopen? Questions mount over new state guidelines and county’s actual case rates

Voice of OC, Sept. 1, 2020

How many people has the coronavirus killed?

Nature, Sept. 1, 2020

UCI among 4 universities studying safety of autonomous vehicles in U.S.-funded center

UCI is part of a national research consortium that recently was awarded nearly $2 million by the U.S. Department of Transportation to establish a top-tier university transportation center. Led by The Ohio State University, the Center for Automated Vehicles Research with Multimodal Assured Navigation will investigate and develop solutions to autonomous vehicle safety and security […]

Cats and llamas could offer a path to coronavirus therapies

Physics Today, Sept. 1, 2020

A court orders the University of California not to use the SAT Or ACT during the pandemic

Forbes, Sept. 1, 2020