Month: April 2020

Give poor people a guaranteed income and let them spend it however they please

Mashable, April 28, 2020

Uncertain job market awaits soon-to-be graduates

Inside Higher Ed. April 28, 2020

Even if California college campuses reopen, will most students still come?

EdSource Today, April 28, 2020

We are doctors who study trauma. here’s how to cope with the COVID-19 crisis.

Huffington Post, April 28, 2020

INSIGHT: The CARES Act could put people on the street—Here’s a solution

Bloomberg Law, April 28, 2020

Antibody test makes picking COVID-19 plasma donors easier

Futurity, April 28, 2020

University of California, state college systems ‘profiting from this pandemic,’ student lawsuits claims

Mercury News, April 28, 2020

A patron selects items at UCI Medical Center’s pop-up employee commissary, intended to make life easier for the 4,800 or so people who report to work daily at the hospital campus in Orange.

Shopping during their shifts

UCI Health leadership creates free, on-site commissary for medical center workers amid coronavirus crisis

Alex Marlow (right), with Kelton Mock outside UCI’s School of Medicine.

Adding an LGBTQ+ focus to M.D. training

Two UCI medical students who’ve benefited from donor support spearhead revisions to school curriculum that boost inclusivity

Social distancing survey: 36 million Americans’ #1 way to cope is online shopping

WalletHub, Apr. 27, 2020