Dodgeball World Record Match
The Sept. 25 effort, which aims to recruit 7,000 participants, will be hosted by Associated Students of UCI.
In 2011, UCI rallied 4,488 participants to break the world record for the largest dodgeball game, previously set by New York’s Rochester Institute of Technology. The record has since changed hands several times and is now held by the University of Alberta.
Participants in UCI’s attempt to regain the record will register as members of either a blue team or a gold team and face off in an epic battle. An adjudicator from Guinness World Records will ensure that rules are followed and confirm the number of players for world-record certification.
This is one of many activities scheduled for UCI’s Welcome Week, during which more than 6,000 freshmen and transfer students join the campus community. Other events include an Anteater Involvement Fair, an Aldrich Park After Dark concert, a Screen on the Green movie night and a midnight shopping trip to Target.
UC Irvine will attempt to regain the Guinness world record for the largest dodgeball game. The effort, which aims to recruit 7,000 participants, will be hosted by Associated Students of UCI.
Anteater Recreation Center fields, 680 California Ave. (bldg. 680, grid D10 on campus map)
2:30 p.m.