Day: January 3, 2011

Justin Richland

Professor finds niche in Native American legal system

Justin Richland, associate professor of criminology, law & society, anthropology and law, knew early on that he didn’t want a typical career. He found his niche in the Native American legal system.

Jennifer Martin

Beating digestive disease

Young psychologist Jennifer Martin beats inflammatory bowel disease with help from UCI’s world-class specialists.

Yoga class

How to have a healthier 2011

Dr. Morris Hasson of UCI’s Executive Health Program offers his tips for a healthier 2011. A key is to set reasonable goals and see to them.

The bitter legacy of China’s one-child policy

UC Irvine sociologist Wang Feng examines the unintended consequences of China’s 30-year-old edict, which has has produced a serious gender imbalance, a ballooning percentage of seniors and a dwindling labor force.