Month: March 2009

Sarah Lopez receives a hug from her mother, Esthela

A ‘match’ made in medicine (Story and photo essay)

Professional sports have their annual drafts; medical education has Match Day. That’s when thousands of medical school graduates nationwide learn where they will begin their careers as doctors. A story and photo essay capture the 76 UCI students who learned where they matched in a festive, emotional March 19 event.

Physicist receives German research award

Zuzanna Siwy, physics & astronomy assistant professor at UC Irvine, has received a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the…

Chemist honored for reducing air pollution

Barbara Finlayson-Pitts, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at UC Irvine, will receive a California Air Quality Award from the Coalition for…

TeKeyia Armstrong

‘Young Americans’ at UCI

UCI students pose for Young Americans photography exhibit.

Maria Pantelia

Greek classics go digital

The oldest-surviving Greek texts are never more than a few mouse clicks away thanks to the world’s first digital humanities archive, built and maintained at UC Irvine.

UCI's Olive Tree Initiative participants

Olive Tree Initiative gets leadership award

Olive Tree Initiative student group hailed as a model of community leadership by Orange County Human Relations Commission.

Dr. Sheldon Greenfield

Dr. Sheldon Greenfield’s big year

While Dr. Sheldon Greenfield’s not quite a household name, he is making a significant impact. He’s helping run a thriving campus research center, and he’s engaged in high-level decision making in California and Washington, D.C., with international implications for biomedical research and healthcare.

Studying stem cells

Julie Harness leads a student group that supports young stem cell researchers

A boat sails through the port of Freetown, Sierra Leone

Cleaning up the ‘blood diamond’ business

Richard Matthew works in Africa to curb violence, abuses linked to diamond trade.

Anthony Brock

A set of wheels for people in need

Just two months after Chancellor Michael Drake kicked off Free Wheelchair Mission’s 2008 national tour at UC Irvine, engineering students here were hard at work on a wheelchair prototype that would soon help people worldwide get around more easily.