Year: 2006

A seat at the table

UCI’s Lynda Brewer chosen Staff Advisor to UC Board of Regents

Walking on water

Graduating commencement speaker is a valuable resource – like the element she studies

Mr. Coffee

Professor Steven Topik finds a world of history in a simple cup o’ Joe

Going the distance

Staffer Ann Whitmer crosses a Step Up UCI milestone – but seldom steps on campus

A very healthy event

Women’s Wellness Day benefits attendees and unique health center

Engineering attention

Professor of the Year Martha Mecartney goes out on a limb to liven up the classroom

Out of thin air

A conversation with atmospheric chemist Donald Blake

From many, one

Campus Architect Rebekah Gladson blends a variety of styles into a cohesive whole

Border crossings (2)

UCI immigration experts bring new insights to a contentious debate

The good fight

Patients battling cancer have a powerful ally in Dr. Wendy Brewster