Month: May 2006

Going the distance

Staffer Ann Whitmer crosses a Step Up UCI milestone – but seldom steps on campus

A very healthy event

Women’s Wellness Day benefits attendees and unique health center

Engineering attention

Professor of the Year Martha Mecartney goes out on a limb to liven up the classroom

Out of thin air

A conversation with atmospheric chemist Donald Blake

From many, one

Campus Architect Rebekah Gladson blends a variety of styles into a cohesive whole

Border crossings (2)

UCI immigration experts bring new insights to a contentious debate

The good fight

Patients battling cancer have a powerful ally in Dr. Wendy Brewster

The richness of writing

UCI’s illustrious creative writing program continues to make an indelible impression

Yachtsman of the year

Stricken with Lou Gehrig’s, a sailor finds his second wind

Keeper of the campus

Facilities’ Assistant Vice Chancellor Jim Hay has devoted his career to making UCI shine