To forecast winter rainfall in the Southwest, look to New Zealand in the summer
UCI scientists find new teleconnection for early and accurate precipitation prediction
UCI scientists find new teleconnection for early and accurate precipitation prediction
UCI-led study examines role of plants, trees in global transfer of rainfall
Waning influence of once-telling weather patterns altered by global warming skews projections
UCI environmental engineer Sunny Jiang traveled to St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, in the second half of November as part of a National Science Foundation Rapid Response Research project. Almost two months after two Category 5 hurricanes (Irma and Maria) struck the region, Jiang and her U.S. Geological Survey collaborator Christina Kellogg gathered samples for water […]
Coastal areas are threatened by both oceanic and terrestrial flooding, and the combination of these factors is especially concerning as sea levels continue to rise. Untangling how oceans and rivers interact – their so-called compounding effects – is a challenge for scientists and engineers trying to estimate the current and future risk of flooding. UCI researchers have […]
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