upward mobility

UCI Student Center

UCI is ranked among nation’s top 10 public universities for seventh year in a row

U.S. News also puts campus at No. 2 for social mobility for second consecutive year

UCI campus: first day of fall classes in 2019, students walking near the student center.

UCI is ranked among nation’s top 10 public universities for sixth year in a row

Campus also climbs to No. 2 for social mobility in annual U.S. News evaluation

UCI is No. 6 public university in Money’s ‘Best Colleges’

Campus lauded for combining quality and affordability

Douglas Haynes, vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion

UCI launches Black Thriving Initiative

Institutional transformation strives to promote Black well-being and success

UCI ranked among nation’s top 10 public universities for fifth straight year by U.S. News

Campus is 36th overall on magazine’s 2020 ‘Best Colleges’ list, No. 3 for social mobility

UCI is No. 1 among Money magazine’s ‘Best Colleges’

University is first public institution to claim top spot in national rankings

LIFEvest proves to be life-changing

UCI financial literacy program for young teens gave incoming, first-generation freshman Dyandra Magdaleno the confidence, practical skills to pursue higher education

Finding his voice

DACA student overcomes fear to become outspoken advocate for others

UCI is No. 1 in nation among public universities for ‘best value,’ according to Forbes

Ranking is based on costs, quality, graduation rates, student debt and postgrad earnings

Her Dream? To Call the U.S. Home

Viridiana Chabolla was only a few days into her first year at the UCI School of Law when that helpless feeling she had first experienced as a child welled up once again. Walking to class on the morning of Sept. 5, 2017, she watched a livestreamed video on her cellphone of U.S. Attorney General Jeff […]