UCI Podcast

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: California environmental justice advocates lead the way

Michael Méndez talks about the crucial years of the environmental justice movement

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: How drought and climate change threaten California’s water

Better management of groundwater could help, says Nicola Ulibarri

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: We’re tired of COVID-19, let’s go to Thailand!

Daniel Parker takes us on a tour of Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand through his work with malaria in areas of conflict

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: COVID-19 long haulers and lasting neurological damage

Tom Lane’s neurology research on coronaviruses in mice could yield answers

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Why low-income children suffer the most during remote learning

Schools will still need COVID-19 mitigation measures as they reopen, say UCI Health doctors

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: New in-prison bachelor’s degree to transform lives

UCI LIFTED initiative will help lower recidivism rates through higher education

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Solving climate change with clean hydrogen fuel

UCI and Orange County are at the forefront of the clean hydrogen revolution

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Running for city council as a 24-year-old PhD student

Dylan Green describes the challenges of seeking local elected office, and why more scientists should do so

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: The arts respond to COVID-19

Students took live shows online to spread art’s healing power during the pandemic

UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Undoing Trump’s environmental regulation rollbacks

Alex Camacho discusses ways the Biden administration can advance its environmental agenda.