Mixed majors
Scholarship recipient Joseph Wong pursues a unique academic combo of music and computer science
Scholarship recipient Joseph Wong pursues a unique academic combo of music and computer science
The program continues to pave new paths for research and creative expression, teaching and learning, and community engagement
Scholarship recipient hopes to help improve the environment through engineering
Latest edition of Lucid showcases writing on the pandemic-driven theme of ‘Transitions & Transformations’
Campus leaders host virtual event to share latest on pandemic trends and how university is preparing for fall quarter
Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory to partner with Delaware State U.
Former Boeing executive John Tracy funds scholarship for underrepresented UCI students in STEM fields
First Amendment rights and racism intersect in criminal cases involving musicians
Nearly half of 10,204 undergraduates receiving degrees are first-generation students
Newly accredited UCI program will help meet increasing demand for K-12 dual language immersion instructors