
Aomawa Shields standing with arms akimbo in front of dark space backdrop with stars and planets.

UC Irvine astronomers gauge livability of exoplanets orbiting white dwarf stars

Computer model comparison reveals rotational factors contributing to habitability

Aomawa Shields, Clare Boothe Luce Associate Professor, Physics & Astronomy, UC Irvine School of Physical Sciences.

Exoplanet explorer

Astrobiologist Aomawa Shields uses computer modeling to gauge extraterrestrial life possibilities

David Kisailus

Air Force grants $1.5 million to UCI researchers for purchase of new instruments

Tools enable testing of biological and synthetic materials under extreme conditions

Air Force awards $4 million research grant to UC Irvine materials scientists

New project explores use of microbes as mineral extractors in extreme environments

UC Irvine engineers win Air Force grant to study exoskeletons of special beetles

Insect ‘blueprints’ to guide development of new defense and aerospace technologies

Mechanical engineering major Ozzy Aidan Sanchez-Aldana and the workshop where he works on unmanned aerial vehicles.

The sky’s the limit

Undergraduate paves the way for a future career in space exploration

An artist's rendering of a solar system depicted as a group of ducklings orbiting their mother.

UC Irvine-led team unravels mysteries of planet formation, evolution in distant solar system

Astronomers analyze masses, orbital properties and atmospheric features of six exoplanets

Researchers find exoplanet that appears to be too big for its sun

UCI astronomer says the discovery scrambles solar system models

UC Irvine astronomers offer tips for safe observation of upcoming partial solar eclipse

The Oct. 14 mid-morning event will be viewable in Southern California

‘Terminator zones’ on distant planets could harbor life, UC Irvine astronomers say

These in-between regions could be prime sites for liquid water