
Odds of arrest 3 times higher for people viewed as black, study finds

Being seen by others as black – regardless of whether or not one personally identifies as such – increases the likelihood of arrest, according to a new study from UC Irvine and Stanford University. The findings come as troubling reports of racial bias and discrimination in policing punctuate the evening news, noted Andrew Penner, UCI sociologist and study co-author.

Rubén Rumbaut

UCI Distinguished Professor Rubén Rumbaut elected AAAS fellow

Rubén Rumbaut, UC Irvine Distinguished Professor of sociology, has been elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

Life of the party

To make the most of his UC Irvine education, Jose Quintana has thrown himself into politics

Catherine Bolzendahl

Attitudes change toward same-sex couples

Catherine Bolzendahl, UC Irvine assistant professor of sociology, studies how Americans define family.

Mar Rodriguez

Women’s soccer star plays on world stage

UCI soccer star Mar Rodriguez represents Mexico in under-20 Women’s World Cup.

Researcher Joy Pixley

Balancing marriage and career

Study finds that patterns of decision making among dual-earner couples have predictable long-range outcomes.

Honoring her heritage

First-generation college student Cheyenne Reynoso is intent on giving back to her Native American community.