social ecology

Researchers gauge post-disaster resilience

UCI-led team of social scientists assesses post-disaster community resilience.

Salvatore R. Maddi

Finding the positive side of stress

Professor Salvatore R. Maddi has changed the way many view stress. Not only is it an unavoidable part of life, he argues, it can be good for us.

Cracking down on white-collar crime

Corporate crooks pose greater threat to society than street hoodlums, says UCI’s Henry Pontell.

Helping Chileans heal

Roxane Cohen Silver, UCI expert on trauma and coping, advises leaders of quake-stricken country on ways to promote psychological recovery.

George Tita

Fighting crime with math

UCI’s George Tita and colleagues use math to explain crime hot spots, recommend prevention strategies.

Newport Harbor Lawn Bowling Club Members

Older = happier

UCI’s Susan Turk Charles attributes study finding to seniors’ ability to better regulate emotion.

Getting the lead out

Oladele Ogunseitan picks up a cell phone and tosses it into a small wood chipper in his UC Irvine lab. Is he conducting a wacky experiment? Overreacting to one too many dropped calls? Actually, Ogunseitan grinds up old phones for a purely scientific cause: He’s studying toxic electronic waste. Chair of the population health & […]

Julka Almquist

Exam room design affects patient satisfaction

Grad student correlates innovative design with increased communication, patient satisfaction.