
UCI senior Alyssa Carrillo

Set on science

For future biomedical researcher, undergraduate scholarship was vote of confidence

Giving – and getting – a helping hand

UCI scholarship recipient aids others on her journey to becoming a doctor

Donation from gamer funds new scholarship esports team for ‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’

UCI Esports will host a pilot scholarship team for “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” during the 2019-20 academic year – thanks to a $50,000 gift from the owners of Street Media, which publishes Irvine Weekly and LA Weekly, led by CEO (and gamer) Brian Calle. Players will be jointly selected by UCI Esports and the TAG Smash […]

On the hunt … for new knowledge

With scholarship support, chemistry grad student Jessica Kelz probes the secrets of carnivorous plants

Dedicated to becoming a doctor

With a little help, medical student is on her way to helping others

Seeing the way forward

With the help of a scholarship and disability services, blind sophomore Gordon Wong is working toward a bright future

Branching out

UCI strives to boost number of minority students earning STEM degrees

‘Making’ a difference

Dalai Lama Scholars are organizing third annual campus event to develop products for people with disabilities

Veterans and scholars

UCI prides itself on serving those who have served

Physician-to-be benefits from philanthropy

Donor-endowed scholarship helps first-gen college student achieve her dream of becoming a doctor