
People on the outside deck of an ocean research vessel at sea.

Climate change is overhauling marine nutrient cycles, UC Irvine scientists say

The research is the first field-based confirmation of such climate impacts

UCI Health’s Dr. Maheswari Senthil (left) and Dr. Farshid Dayyani

Answers for cancers

Annual campus fundraiser supports promising studies, including Stopgap trial

Jun Wu, UC Irvine professor of environmental and occupational health standing in a field with plants.

UC Irvine-led study notes need for better wildfire readiness in Eastern Coachella Valley

Improving communication is key in disadvantaged communities in unincorporated areas

UC Irvine Chancellor Howard Gillman standing at a podium with a UCI Brilliant Future sign on the front.

UC Irvine’s Brilliant Future campaign surpasses $2 billion goal ahead of schedule

Setting a historic milestone for Orange County, effort continues till October 2025

Gold colored thin film on the wing of a butterfly which is on the end of a human finger.

UC Irvine, Columbia University researchers invent soft, bioelectronic sensor implant

Device conforms to body’s tissues, allowing brain monitoring through development

Dana Mukamel

UC Irvine-led study shows crucial role of staffing instability in nursing home ratings

Researchers recommend adding metric to CMS quality-of-care evaluation measures

Maksim Plikus (right), UC Irvine professor of developmental and cell biology, shown here with Raul Ramos, a postdoctoral researcher in the Plikus laboratory.

UC Irvine-led discovery of new skeletal tissue advances regenerative medicine potential

‘Lipocartilage’ properties akin to bubbled packaging material – super-stable, soft, springy

UC Irvine scientists design bioluminescent RNA

The “RNA lanterns” promise to reveal secrets of viruses and human memory

UC Irvine’s Thai B. Nguyen, Leslie Thompson and Robert Spitale (from left).

UC Irvine-led team discovers potential new therapeutic targets for Huntington’s disease

Molecular mechanisms revealed that drive RNA processing defects leading to disorder

UCI neurologist Ravi Rajmohan

UC Irvine-led study challenges traditional risk factors for brain health in the oldest-old

Findings highlight potential significant role of certain medications in avoiding dementia