
Kim Kanatani, inaugural museum director of the UCI Institute and Museum of California Art. Behind her is Richard Diebenkorn’s 1952 oil-on-canvas painting “Albuquerque #9"

What’s next: The future of museums

As cultural and educational nexuses, they must explore creative ways of engaging with diverse audiences

Following the infection

UCI trains contact tracers to disrupt COVID-19 transmission – with an emphasis on health equity issues

A Zoom screenshot shows some of the graduating nursing students who participated in the UCI Health Virtual Visitor Project.

Virtual nurses make a real difference

Graduating students lift the spirits of UCI hospital patients through video visits

Richard Matthew, associate dean of research and international programs in UCI’s School of Social Ecology, professor of urban planning & public policy and director of the campus’s Blum Center for Poverty Alleviation.

What’s next: The future of compassion

How to ward off emotional exhaustion as the pandemic is poised to strike the developing world

International studies major Manveet Thind, here analyzing survey data at her kitchen table.

A helping heart

Graduating senior Manveet Thind finds a positive outlet during the pandemic by aiding impoverished communities in Mexico

Miryha Gould Runnerstrom, an associate professor in UCI's Program in Public Health, played a key role in developing the COVID-19 chatline

COVID-19 chatline provides fact-based guidance

New UCI service is staffed by trained undergraduates in public health

First-year law student Jonathan Routson assists a local legal services office with the delivery of restraining order documents.

Pro bono pros

Living up to their reputation, UCI Law students provide free legal services to COVID-19-related causes

Dr. Dan Cooper, UCI professor of pediatrics and founding director of the campus’s Institute for Clinical and Translational Science

Back-to-school jitters

UCI Health pediatrician Dan Cooper gathers a team to help determine how, when and under what conditions K-12 classroom instruction can safely resume

Drives deliver

Ongoing efforts by UCI medical students yield generous donations of personal protective equipment for hospital

coronavirus (pictured)

UCI launches comprehensive COVID-19 resource site to engage community with informative, helpful content