medical center

Dr. Suzy Kim

Helping spinal injury patients move forward

Dr. Suzy Kim knows – from personal experience – that early, rigorous rehab is key for spinal injury patients.

Rose Jacobs

Giving doctors a checkup

Living Our Values Award recipient Rose Jacobs makes sure UCI physicians have — and keep — the proper credentials. She’s director of medical staff administration at UC Irvine Medical Center.

Cyrus Bonczkowski

Summer camp for burn survivors

Children treated at UC Irvine Medical Center find support among others with similar injuries.

Joe Alfaro

Grateful to be back on the job

Cancer patient takes his (hard) hat off to UC Irvine doctors in Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

Binh Phan

From breast cancer patient to bride

Binh Phan is planning her future – including a dream wedding – thanks to cancer treatment at UC Irvine Medical Center.