Family-based heart health
UCI research program weighs benefits of new approach to cardiac fitness in local communities
UCI research program weighs benefits of new approach to cardiac fitness in local communities
UCI-OC Alliance scholarship makes college possible for high-achieving Latinos
Over 8,200 Class of 2023 members to attend commencement ceremonies this month
Large-scale, randomized clinical trial is first of its kind focused on Latino participants
Renowned anthropologist studies international migration, particularly among Latinos
A conversation with Frances Contreras, who was appointed as the UCI School of Education’s third dean in January 2022 and is the first Chicana/Latina dean to head a school of education in the University of California
UCI, UCB and UCSF researchers aim to enhance use of digital interventions
Trustee initiative aligns existing programs with community partnerships
Upcoming performance season includes such bold and ambitious programs as a modern take on ‘Romeo and Juliet’
UCI celebrates its achievements as a federally designated Latino-serving campus