
Team science is better science, new report says

Daniel Stokols, professor emeritus of planning, policy & design, and Judith Olson, professor of informatics, are co-authors of a new report from the National Research Council that concludes scientific research is increasingly dominated by teams–a promising approach that is also rife with challenges. The report is likely to have major public policy and research funding implications […]

Overseeing your online afterlife

Jed Brubaker’s graduate research guides Facebook’s new policy on postmortem account stewardship

Lost? Download ZOTfinder

New app created by ICS students helps users navigate UCI campus

Binbin Zheng

Bridging the educational divide

Public Impact Fellow Binbin Zheng studies how low-cost classroom technology can help disadvantaged learners

Mark Warschauer

The reality of ‘cloud’-based learning

Mark Warschauer’s book explores how digital media can transform schools.