What is Title IX?
A primer on 1972’s landmark anti-discrimination law
Landmark legislation ‘a profound engine of social revolution’
Proven communications leader will guide effort to enhance UCI’s reputation
Visionary arts and diversity leader comes from Arizona State University
NSF-funded UC HIRE alliance addresses Hispanic representation in STEM instruction
The director of intercollegiate athletics discusses her journey, the label of ‘pioneer,’ what has changed and what still needs to change for women in sports
The first Chicana/Latina to hold this position in the UC system, Frances Contreras sees inclusivity as key to excellence
School is top UC choice for in-state, first-generation students for 4th consecutive year
In a paper published online in cell.com/Neuron, Bernadette Boden-Albala, founding dean of the planned School of Population & Public health and director of the Program in Public Health, highlights three key areas for increasing the participation of women and racial/ethnic minorities in clinical trials. Diversity delivers greater generalizability of results, more ethically sound research and […]