Food for thought
UCI’s Virtuous Table series of themed meals provides physical, intellectual and spiritual sustenance
UCI’s Virtuous Table series of themed meals provides physical, intellectual and spiritual sustenance
Hiring of 78 educators goes a long way toward strategic plan goal of adding 250 by 2021
Washington Monthly has named the University of California, Irvine #20 in the nation out of more than 300 colleges and universities for promoting upward social mobility, producing cutting-edge research and encouraging students to give back to the community. Each component is equally weighted, so the top-ranked universities must excel across the breadth of measures, not […]
Areas of focus are science denialism, our common humanity and critical thinking
In the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education rankings of top U.S. colleges in 2018, UCI rated third for providing a productive learning environment. For that category, which constitutes 10 percent of the overall rankings, the Journal/Times reviewed how colleges succeed in attracting a diverse student body and offering outlets and opportunities for these students to […]
UCI professors who were also first-generation students form support system
UCI program fosters math skills and college dreams in underprivileged middle schoolers
Anteater Academy at once-underperforming Santa Ana high school graduates first cohort of college-bound teens. The program is an example of UCI’s outreach to underrepresented students that placed it at the top of The New York Times’ College Access Index of schools that do the most for low-income students. Thirteen recent graduates of the school will attend UCI in the fall.