Marcela Dos Santos looks inside to find wellness
The nursing DNP student wants to break down prejudice about mental health
The nursing DNP student wants to break down prejudice about mental health
Tim Bruckner, Ph.D., professor of health, society and behavior in the Program in Public Health, has been awarded a two-year, $450,000 grant from the National Institute on Aging to study the differences in male and female lifespans. According to health data, men do not live as long as women, and Bruckner and his team will […]
Partnership is committed to improving access and care for rare disease patients
Rare recognition secures its place among world’s environmentally outstanding institutions
Joint project will investigate their disproportionate impact on vulnerable population
8 campuses formalize commitment to be ‘health-promoting universities’
How individuals cope with experiences of peer victimization can mitigate the associated negative short- and long-term physical and mental health effects, according to a recent study led by Michael A. Hoyt, Ph.D., UCI associate professor of public health. More than 800 college students responded to a questionnaire asking them to recall high school incidents of […]
12 percent more than last year, amount reflects strong support for campus mission
People taking drugs that cross the blood-brain barrier experienced less cognitive decline
The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group has named two UCI researchers as Allen Distinguished Investigators. Michelle Digman, associate professor of biomedical engineering, and Jennifer Prescher, professor of chemistry, were among 10 academic experts chosen this year to explore the relationship between metabolism and the human immune system. The UCI scientists were made co-principal investigators on […]