
Cameron Wiley and doctoral candidate Kennedy Blevins (left) and Sarah Pressman (right).

UCI research team finds positivity is not equally protective against illness across races

Study supports consideration of cultural factors when developing health interventions

Two people sitting at a table

Exploring the mind-body connection

New public health course looks at whole-person approach to well-being

‘Sticks and stones . . .’ but words can indeed hurt you, UCI study finds

Negative, positive political rhetoric about immigration affects well-being of targets

Forbes ranks UCI among best large employers

Forbes has named UCI one of the best large employers in the U.S. The campus rated No. 40 overall and No. 4 among educational institutes. This comes on the heels of a January Forbes ranking, in which UCI rated the seventh best for employee diversity – the second-highest ranking for both a California employer and […]

Happiness can improve physical health, according to UCI study

Feelings of life enjoyment and satisfaction can influence physical health according to a new review study, co-authored by Sarah Pressman, associate professor of psychology and social behavior. Researchers found that by cultivating happiness and positive perceptions, individuals can improve their immune and cardiovascular systems, as well as the body’s ability to heal from injuries. “In […]

Shoes on a beach

Summer romance: Will it last?

UCI researchers apply scientific method to study of how we receive affectionate messages

Peter Ditto

Political liberals display greater happiness, UCI study finds

Results contradict earlier self-reports of higher spirits among conservatives

Making the most of life

Feeling blue? Anxious? Fatigued? Dr. Roger Walsh offers ‘Eight Ways to Wellbeing’

When you’re smiling

Driving on the 405 freeway in Orange County rush-hour traffic, Sarah Pressman can be forgiven if she doesn’t feel like smiling. When other cars cut her off or ride her bumper, she’s tempted to do what many commuters do: curse or engage in some creative sign language. But she grins and bears it – even […]

Kerry Burnight

In pursuit of happiness

UC Irvine gerontologist Kerry Burnight has learned a lot about how to live well and make the most of each day, not just in later years but now.