
NIH grant will fund study of novel approach to repairing permanently damaged retinas

Magdalene Seiler, Ph.D., UCI associate professor of physical medicine & rehabilitation, has been awarded a five-year, $3,823,950 grant from the National Institutes of Health to conduct a preclinical study on rodent models of an innovative co-graft approach to repair permanently damaged retinas. Cell transplantation offers a potential therapy for those who have already lost their […]

Distinguished Professor named co-PI for IES grant to analyze special education services

George Farkas, UCI Distinguished Professor of education, has been named co-PI for a two-year, $500,000 Institute of Education Sciences grant that will analyze special education services. The team will examine data from the 1998 and 2011 Early Childhood Longitudinal Studies, as well as seven National Assessment of Education Progress reports dating back to 2003. In […]

School of Humanities receives $1.5 million grant from Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

The UCI School of Humanities has received a four-year, $1.5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to introduce graduate students to a broad range of possible careers that employ their expertise. The grant will fund 19 community-based summer internships for Ph.D. students, three graduate student researchers who will work with a STEM faculty […]

Avatars summarize students’ progress on research projects in a UCI course that takes place in a fantastical 3D online environment called Anteater Island.

Anteater Island

Anthropology professor teaches class on digital cultures by creating his own virtual community – where COVID-19 isn’t a threat