Our campus, our Earth
UCI leads the way in environmental stewardship of the planet
UCI graduate students, researchers traveled the world to chart major ocean regions
UCI student fellow with UC Carbon Neutrality Initiative establishes campus collective focused on community-driven, equity-based climate solutions
Tool helps to track abrupt yet temporary emissions declines during pandemic
UCI Earth system scientist Steve Davis part of international team evaluating global warming factors
Newest building on campus is designed from the ground up to foster collaboration
UCI and NASA JPL scientists study impact of warm, salty water beneath glaciers
To help improve fire prevention policies, Salvador Zarate, UCI assistant professor of anthropology, will use a $12,000 faculty fellowship from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation to document the practices of Orange County weed abatement crews. “We experienced our worst fire season ever this year, and we can tap into the deep ecological […]
Alex Camacho discusses ways the Biden administration can advance its environmental agenda.