
A Holocaust childhood

Almost 20 years ago, Ruth Kluger wrote an account of her remarkable wartime experiences to share with a few friends. Today, her story of growing up Jewish during the Holocaust continues to resonate with countless people worldwide. “I wanted to present as honestly as possible what I remembered of that period — what people might […]

Wilson Ho

How things work

With his power tools, physics and chemistry professor Wilson Ho sheds light on molecules and atoms in action.

Lawyers in training

Elisha Thomas smiles when he talks about his family’s hopes for his future. His parents often joke that he should be a lawyer, since he’s quick to ask questions and always ready for a debate. He may take their advice. “I want to learn as much as I can and take advantage of opportunities my […]

Raising the bar (1)

Intern teacher Brandon Clay had “a beautiful square-root Pythagorean theorem” to present to his seventh-grade Algebra I students. He wrote it on the board and turned expectantly to the sea of young faces – which remained totally blank. They didn’t have a clue. Clay wasn’t sure what to do next. He gazed back at the uncomprehending youngsters, […]