Latest UCI-OC Poll explains November election results
UC Irvine School of Social Ecology survey examines voter attitudes
UC Irvine School of Social Ecology survey examines voter attitudes
A conversation with Frances Contreras, who was appointed as the UCI School of Education’s third dean in January 2022 and is the first Chicana/Latina dean to head a school of education in the University of California
Dean Frances Contreras discusses the future of teaching and learning at all levels
Three questions with UCI astrophysicist James Bullock, recent chair of the James Webb Space Telescope Users Committee
Jon B. Gould, new dean of social ecology, explains what’s going on at one of UCI’s epicenters for change
Visionary arts and diversity leader comes from Arizona State University
Distinguished legal scholar and accomplished leader comes from Indiana University
The first Chicana/Latina to hold this position in the UC system, Frances Contreras sees inclusivity as key to excellence
New dean of nursing school fascinated by intersection of medical and spiritual care