
Connie Pechmann, UCI professor of marketing

Demographic differences foster social ties in online support groups, UCI-led study finds

Interpersonal connections and goal attainment are helped, not hindered, by self-disclosure

Michael Méndez, UCI assistant professor of urban planning & public policy

What’s next: The future of environmental justice

As with the coronavirus, low-income communities of color are most affected by unsustainable practices

Kim Kanatani, inaugural museum director of the UCI Institute and Museum of California Art. Behind her is Richard Diebenkorn’s 1952 oil-on-canvas painting “Albuquerque #9"

What’s next: The future of museums

As cultural and educational nexuses, they must explore creative ways of engaging with diverse audiences

Cover of Lucid journal

First-gen forum

New UCI journal gives often marginalized students a platform to share their experiences, explore their identities

Brianne Donaldson, UCI assistant professor of philosophy and religious studies with a pig in a pen

What’s next: The future of food

Pandemic has heightened awareness of weaknesses in nation’s animal-based supply chain, which could accelerate trend toward plant-derived products

Following the infection

UCI trains contact tracers to disrupt COVID-19 transmission – with an emphasis on health equity issues

Bill Mauer, dean of UCI’s School of Social Sciences, a professor of anthropology and director of the campus’s Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion

What’s next: The future of cash

The death of dollars has been greatly exaggerated

Building Sikh Studies at UCI

First holder of endowed chair aims to raise critical awareness of South Asian tradition’s global history, culture, ethics and philosophies, and contributions

What’s next: The future of retail

The pandemic may have altered the shopping landscape in permanent ways

Avatars summarize students’ progress on research projects in a UCI course that takes place in a fantastical 3D online environment called Anteater Island.

Anteater Island

Anthropology professor teaches class on digital cultures by creating his own virtual community – where COVID-19 isn’t a threat