
Maksim Plikus (right), UC Irvine professor of developmental and cell biology, shown here with Raul Ramos, a postdoctoral researcher in the Plikus laboratory.

UC Irvine-led discovery of new skeletal tissue advances regenerative medicine potential

‘Lipocartilage’ properties akin to bubbled packaging material – super-stable, soft, springy

UC Irvine’s Thai B. Nguyen, Leslie Thompson and Robert Spitale (from left).

UC Irvine-led team discovers potential new therapeutic targets for Huntington’s disease

Molecular mechanisms revealed that drive RNA processing defects leading to disorder

Nataly Campos, left, and Kathy Duong are co-presidents of the Anteater Smile Project.

Spreading smiles

UC Irvine student group provides oral health education and dental hygiene kits to low-income communities

A valve for the most vulnerable

‘Star’ Ph.D. student helps develop medical device for children with congenital heart defects

UC Irvine researchers reveal superconductivity secrets of an iron-based material

Findings could spur advancements in quantum computing and electronics

Dorota Skowronska-Krawczyk, UC Irvine associate professor of physiology and biophysics.

UC Irvine-co-led study finds DNA damage is key factor in age-related macular degeneration

Targeting specific retinal cell types could lead to treatments that slow or stop progression

Image of happy loved ones gathered for a festive feast with inset photo of psychologist Naomi Tabak
UC Irvine Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Navigating stress related to the holiday season

Psychologist Naomi Tabak shares how to approach challenging conversations with loved ones

Eric Patrick wearing a UC Irvine sweatshirt.

On his game

Scholarship recipient revels in creating digital experiences for other players

composite photograph of three male scientists.

A trick of light: UC Irvine researchers turn silicon into direct bandgap semiconductor

Discovery enables manufacturing of ultrathin solar panels, advanced optoelectronics

photo of Derek Dunn-Rankin and Pheather R. Harris

UC Irvine to lead next phase of UC’s California Alliance for Minority Participation

National Science Foundation awards $2.5 million for longtime STEM initiative