
Monarch Beach Resort

UCI provides consultation services for Monarch Beach Resort coronavirus mitigation plan

University is in unique position to offer research-backed expertise to O.C. businesses

UCI and international institutions link Southeast Asia megadrought to drying in Africa

Previously unknown mid-Holocene event led to major changes in human settlement

he TinyArray imager

UCI develops low-cost, accurate COVID-19 antibody detection platform

Portable imager could massively increase testing across nation by end of 2020

Shohreh Bozorgmehri, director of student and academic services in UCI’s Office of Information Technology

Group is established to connect, inspire and empower UCI women in technology

Organization will strengthen community and focus on diversity, equality and inclusion

Minecraft UCI characters stroll along Ring Road exploring the virtual campus.

Making that campus connection

Minecraft replica lets remote students visit virtual UCI

Thomas Milner, the new director of UCI’s Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic

Inventive medicine

Optics innovator Thomas Milner is back at UCI as director of the Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic

Chase Berman, 24, an infectious diseases researcher in the laboratory of Dr. Susan Huang, UCI Health’s medical director of epidemiology and infection prevention, realized back in late March that mobile testing labs for COVID-19 would be needed should a surge in cases happen.

Thinking outside the box

UCI infectious diseases researcher teams up with father to convert shipping container into prototype for mobile, drive-thru COVID-19 testing centers

Dr. Peter Chang, a UCI Health neuroradiologist who designed the algorithm and is co-director of UCI’s Center for Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Medicine said "In the course of just a month or so, we’ve gotten the data, built the model, tested it on some cohorts and launched it on a website.”

Predicting a patient’s path

UCI-developed machine learning tool aids doctors’ decision-making

National institute awards $20 million in renewed funding to forensic science center

UCI researchers contribute expertise in criminology, statistics and computer science

UCI and County of Orange partner on large-scale COVID-19 infection survey

Results will help determine true prevalence and inform lifting of local lockdown