child development

UCI-led team studying use of baby books to improve parenting skills and child outcomes

With a $2.9 million grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, Stephanie Reich, UCI associate professor of education, and Natasha Cabrera, associate professor of human development at the University of Maryland, are principal investigators for a study evaluating the effectiveness of embedding educational information in baby books that […]

Why are we so afraid to leave children alone?

UCI study finds moral judgments about parents affect perceptions of risk

Put the cellphone away! Fragmented baby care can affect brain development

UCI study shows maternal infant-rearing link to adolescent depression

Jean Gehricke

Exploring the ADHD-autism link

Jean Gehricke’s research is revealing similarities between the two disorders and suggesting new treatment approaches

Greg Duncan

Breaking the poverty cycle

Greg Duncan finds that an income boost for poor families with young children leads to improved academic performance and lifetime earnings.

Deborah Lowe Vandell

Early child care affects teens

A recent study authored by UC Irvine education professor and chair Deborah Lowe Vandell found that teens who had attended high-quality child care programs scored higher on academic and cognitive tests than their peers.