
UCI mathematicians use machine intelligence to map gene interactions

Technique could help to find links between lung cells under coronavirus attack

Turning colon cancer cells around

UCI study finds supplement inhibits cell growth

Starve a tumor, feed a cell: How cancers can resist drugs

UCI biologists discover new approach for overcoming drug resistance

Battling Brain Cancer on All Fronts

Neuro-oncologist Daniela Bota’s pioneering work is improving outcomes for patients with the most aggressive form of the disease

Gut feelings

Tackling cancer with innovation and compassion at UCI’s H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center

Saving Mother and Child

Multidisciplinary teams of UCI oncologists and maternal-fetal specialists utilize scientific advances to treat patients with high-risk pregnancies

Gregory Weiss

The Speed King

Professor Greg Weiss and collaborators have developed a method of detecting cancer molecules within minutes, a breakthrough that could save lives

Beating Cancer – One Patient at a Time

At UCI, the combination of research, evidence-based treatment and ongoing training results in state-of-the-art care

Researchers develop ‘lab on a chip’ for personalized drug efficacy monitoring

UCI researchers and collaborators have developed a “lab on a chip” platform to facilitate continuous, inexpensive, rapid and personalized drug screening. The technology is capable of evaluating the effectiveness of treatments on cancer cells without bulky readout equipment or requiring the shipment of samples to labs. The scientists’ work is the subject of a new […]

Three UCI early-career researchers receive 2019 NIH Director’s New Innovator Awards

The National Institutes of Health has granted 2019 Director’s New Innovator Awards to three UCI early-career researchers: Han Li and Timothy Downing of The Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Kevin Beier of the School of Medicine. The faculty members will receive more than $2.2 million each over five years to support their work. Li, […]