biological sciences

Camille Fitpatrick and Alex Vasquez

A cure for healthcare

In a bustling trailer at the El Sol Science & Arts Academy in downtown Santa Ana, UC Irvine’s Program in Nursing Science offers a window to healthcare’s future. Children and their parents fill a sparse waiting area, but the people in white coats who move from room to room seeing the young patients aren’t physicians. […]

Ivan Soltesz

Uncharted territory

Neuroscientist Ivan Soltesz is recognized as one of world’s leading epilepsy researchers, but when talking about the focus of his work, he sounds more like the young dreamer and poet he was growing up in Budapest. “The brain is the last great frontier,” says Soltesz, UC Irvine Chancellor’s Professor and chair of anatomy & neurobiology. […]

Tatiana Benavidas consoling Constanza Quiroga after the earthquake

Measuring mental aftershocks

The massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Chile in February 2010 left thousands homeless, caused billions of dollars in damages and triggered a deadly tsunami. The psychological impact of such traumatic events over time is the focus of an ongoing research collaboration between UC Irvine psychologists and Chilean academic and government officials. The quake — the […]

Sheryl Tsai

A fruitful career

Sheryl Tsai serves both present and future as a groundbreaking scientist and as an award-winning professor.

Kent Yamaguchi

If he ran the zoo? (Actually, he does)

If I Ran the Zoo, the popular Dr. Seuss tale, would be much different if written by UC Irvine alumnus Kent Yamaguchi ’83 and ’84. His version might call for filling the zoo with anteaters. Since becoming director of the Santa Ana Zoo in January 2009, Yamaguchi has overseen the addition of Orange County’s first pair of […]

Catherine Loudon

Going with the flow

Innovative biology course makes the unseen – and its movement – visible.

Program fosters future science, math teachers

UCI program helps meet nation’s critical need for more – and better – math and science teachers.

Michael Clegg

America’s scientist abroad

UCI botanist travels the world helping scientific groups

Transgenic Hydra expressing the green fluorescent protein.

UCI a historical hotbed of hydra research

UCI biologists’ groundbreaking work with the freshwater polyp hydra helped put a young campus on the map.

Melissa Strong, Maya Koike, Kara Neely and Emily Mitchell

ReMIND builds community of young brain scientists

Graduate students have formed a group called ReMIND – short for Research & Education in Memory Impairments & Neurological Disorders – to better understand and cure neurodegenerative diseases.