Shedding (fluorescent) light on Ebola
UCI team uses novel technique to track key protein in deadly virus
UCI team uses novel technique to track key protein in deadly virus
Through an innovative new program developed at UC Irvine, the arts and the sciences – which often occupy opposite ends of the grammar school curriculum – are being integrated to help young students better grasp the basics of Earth, life and physical sciences.
Professor Arthur Lander explains that knowledge of controlled development is essential for understanding rampant cell production seen in cancer
A UC Irvine-led study has revealed the underlying genetic factors that help repair skin lesions caused by psoriasis, which could engender new methods of controlling the lingering condition.
Recent UCI discovery related to cancer treatment is the type of work endangered
Dalai Lama Scholar Soraya Azzawi is dedicated to raising awareness of human rights struggles and the plight of refugees around the world.
Lauds & Laurels staff honoree helps address shortage in math, science educators.
Serendipity has played a great part in the careers and personal lives of Aileen Anderson and Brian Cummings, the UC Irvine husband-and-wife team that has helped move stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury a giant step forward. They met as undergraduates at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Cummings would visit his then-girlfriend in her dorm, and […]
Behind its stylish art deco facade, the Gillespie Neuroscience Research Facility has hosted some of the most important scientific discoveries in UC Irvine’s brief history. From its laboratories came the first stem cell therapies for spinal cord injury, and breakthrough findings by researchers there on the roots of neurodegenerative diseases offer real hope for people with Alzheimer’s […]