
UCI celestial census indicates that black holes pervade the universe

Researchers expect more gravitational-wave evidence of collisions in the near future

UCI team helps find evidence for theorized particle

A research team including Jing Xia, UCI associate professor of physics & astronomy, has reported finding firm evidence for Majorana fermions, part of a class of subatomic particles which includes the proton, neutron, electron, neutrino and quark. Publishing their findings this week in Science, the team describes their experiment where researchers from UCI and UCLA […]

UCI astronomer is appointed to chair users committee for James Webb Space Telescope

UCI astronomer James Bullock has been appointed chair of the James Webb Space Telescope users committee. The group, which includes 10 to 14 American, European and Canadian scientists, was established to ensure that the observatory is operated in such a way as to maximize its scientific performance. The JWST, successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, […]

Astrobiology’s rising star

UCI new hire seeking life on other planets also has more down-to-Earth mission: boosting STEM diversity

National Science Foundation awards UCI $1 million for physics scholarships

Multidimensional support to increase retention, especially among low-income students

UCI’s Trimble attends announcement of LIGO gravitational wave discovery

UCI astronomer and physicist Virginia Trimble was a special guest at the National Science Foundation’s major announcement Feb. 12 of the long-sought detection of gravitational waves, a key part of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Trimble was invited by agency director France Cordova to serve as an independent expert on the panel, reflecting their […]

Hubble Space Telescope

Parsing photons in the infrared, UCI-led astronomers uncover signs of earliest galaxies

Hubble Space Telescope data, new statistical method instrumental to research project

Siddharth Parameswaran wins NSF CAREER Award

Siddharth Parameswaran, a UCI assistant professor of physics & astronomy, has won a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award that comes with more than $500,000 to support his research in condensed matter physics.

Space debris

Researchers propose zapping space debris with laser

Planet Earth is surrounded. Thousands of tons of dangerous space debris circles in low orbit, threatening serious damage, even death, if any were to strike the International Space Station. A proposal by a research team that includes UC Irvine could be the answer. In a paper published Friday, April 24, the scientists describe a device […]

On the cutting edge of the cosmos

Recent astronomical discoveries confirm UCI researchers’ role as galactic groundbreakers