
UC Irvine-led team uncovers ‘vigorous melting’ at Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier

Satellite radar data show kilometer-scale seawater intrusion, causing ice to rise and fall

NASA funds UC Irvine-led mission to record changes in Antarctica’s ice sheet

Researchers will use data from upcoming and existing international satellite missions

Greenland is dotted with frozen meltwater lakes such as the one above, photographed during a NASA expedition in 2012.

Ice sheet surface melt is accelerating in Greenland and slowing in Antarctica

UC Irvine-led researchers identify contributions of downslope winds and ozone layer

Extreme distance learning

Earth system science professor teaches first session of climate change course from Antarctica

UCI, NASA JPL researchers detail causes of glacier retreat in West Antarctica

Ice-ocean interactions are accelerating melting into Amundsen Sea Embayment

UCI, NASA JPL scientists uncover additional threat to Antarctica’s floating ice shelves

Thinning of rift-healing slush is identified as a major cause of iceberg calving events

UCI researchers to help find clues about past climate conditions in Antarctica’s oldest ice

Initiative will create paths for first-generation and underrepresented students

UCI researchers analyzed Antarctic air samples to learn of a 70-percent increase in atmospheric hydrogen over the past 150 years

Earth system scientists at UCI studied air trapped in compacted layers of Antarctic ice and snow to come up with some answers and a few new questions about the amount of molecular hydrogen in our planet’s atmosphere. H2 is a byproduct of fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning and the oxidation of methane, among other sources, […]

Isabella Velicogna

UCI’s Velicogna contributes to study stressing benefits of limiting greenhouse gas emissions

Climate model predictions made more precise through use of NASA GRACE satellite data

East Antarctica’s Denman Glacier has retreated almost 3 miles over last 22 years

UCI, NASA scientists assess ice sheet with potential to raise global sea levels nearly 5 feet